Cosmetic Services in Clinton, NJ

Pediatric Dental Associates provides pediatric cosmetic dental services in Annandale, NJ. Call 908-735-6300 to learn more and schedule your appointment.
The cosmetic dental treatments our practice offers for children are gentle and safe, but also effective. Unlike cosmetic dentistry for adults, which is often performed when a patient doesn’t like something about their smile, cosmetic dentistry for kids is about restoring damaged teeth to their natural state.
Our practice offers the following cosmetic dental treatments:
Many children have white spots on their teeth after orthodontic treatment (white-spot lesions or WSLs) or congenital hypocalcified enamel lesions. Traditionally, these have been difficult to treat even with the most advanced whitening systems. Icon uses a different method for restoring these teeth—resin infiltration. It’s a revolutionary approach to smooth surface staining and one we’re proud to offer at our practice.
Cosmetic Bonding
Cosmetic bonding, also known as dental bonding or composite bonding, is used to correct minor aesthetic imperfections like chips, cracks, and tooth stains or discoloration. Bonding is completed in a single office visit. The surface of your child’s tooth will be prepared to help the bonding material attach, then the tooth-colored resin is applied and shaped to match the appearance of the adjacent teeth. The bonding material is hardened with a curing light and polished.
Frequently Asked Cosmetic Dentistry Questions for Kids
Can a child get veneers?
Veneers are not commonly used for children. In rare circumstances, a teenager might be a candidate for veneers; these veneers are not the same as the ones used by adults, as they preserve more of the tooth enamel and need more frequent replacement. In most cases, though, we use dental bonding to correct cosmetic issues for children. Bonding can fix many of the same problems as dental veneers.
How old should you be to whiten your teeth?
Usually the age of 14 is the earliest that we’d consider whitening. That’s because by this time, all of the primary teeth have fallen out and the secondary teeth have erupted.
Why are my child’s teeth not white?
First, it should be noted that yellow teeth are not necessarily unhealthy teeth. The secondary (adult) teeth often appear yellow when they first come in, as they contain more dentin. When your child gets older, their teeth will begin to whiten. Other reasons for a yellow appearance are poor oral hygiene habits that cause plaque buildup, certain medications, and a habit of drinking beverages that cause stains like grape juice and cola.
Can a child’s chipped tooth be repaired?
Kids have a tendency to bite things they shouldn’t and take a lot of tumbles over the years—and sometimes this results in a chipped tooth. Luckily, chipped teeth can easily be repaired by filling in the tooth with dental bonding.
What happens if you chip a baby tooth?
Some children have chips that are noticeable when they smile, causing them to feel self-conscious. If this is the case, consider dental bonding, which is affordable and non-invasive. On the other hand, if your child is not bothered by the chipped baby tooth, there’s no need to repair it if the damage is only cosmetic.
Call 908-735-6300 to schedule your appointment.