Brushing for Kids: How to Make it Fun

Brushing for Kids: How to Make it Fun

Team Pediatric Dentistry

Brushing for two minutes twice daily is necessary for children of all ages. Start a healthy, consistent brushing routine when your baby’s first tooth appears. This easy step will help to secure your child’s oral wellness.

Children may resist toothbrushing for various reasons. They may have trouble standing still for a full two minutes, or they may not like their toothpaste’s texture, smell, or taste. Parents need to work with their children to find a routine that encourages them to take good care of their teeth for a lifetime.

We have assembled strategies that you can use to help make brushing fun for your children. Combining these activities may help your child learn to love brushing their teeth.

Choose the Right Products

Let your child choose their toothbrush and toothpaste to make brushing fun. Choose an extra-soft to soft toothbrush in a child-appropriate size and use a children’s fluoride toothpaste. Children are more likely to brush if they look forward to using their special tools.

Role-Play With Toys

Many children respond well to role play. Teaching them to brush their dolls’ and stuffed animals’ “teeth” can encourage them to brush their own. You can also role-play dental visits with your child to reinforce that going to the dentist is easy and fun.

Books and Videos

Books and videos about tooth brushing can be motivating for preschoolers and up. Children often learn visually, associating their brushing routine with a fun video can help create a positive habit.

Play Special Music

Save an upbeat song for tooth brushing time. Your child will look forward to hearing the music.

Tell a Story

As you brush your younger child’s teeth, tell them a creative story about oral care and how it can help them defeat “sugar bugs.”

Provide Age-Appropriate Rewards

If your child responds well to sticker charts, they may want to save up for a toy or outing.

Model Good Brushing Habits

Brush your teeth with your child each time, demonstrating good form and technique. Teaching them that brushing is a lifetime activity will protect their oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Children’s Oral Hygiene

When should I take my child to the dentist?

Your child needs twice-yearly dental visits starting by age one or six months after their first tooth appears.

Why is fluoride toothpaste good for children’s teeth?

Fluoride is a safe and natural mineral that helps to harden tooth enamel. Recently, pediatric dentists have begun to recommend fluoride for babies and toddlers since the benefits outweigh the small risks.

Call Pediatric Dental Associates of Clinton

Motivating your child to brush their teeth can be a challenge, but it can benefit them for a lifetime. If you need additional tips or want to schedule an appointment for your child, please call our Annandale, NJ, office at 908-735-6300. We would be glad to help make brushing fun for your child.